FEATURE | Payment Portal

Stop Processing FOIA Payments Manually

JustFOIA’s Payment Portal means there’s no need to chase down payments or manually reconcile invoices!

Collect Fees Faster with Payment Portal

Ever spent your time and resources on a huge records request, only for the requester to never pay? Increase payment rates by quickly notifying requesters of estimated costs, generating invoices, and accepting debit and credit cards—all with a few clicks.

Invoice & Payment Automation Benefits

Problems with Manual Payment Processes

But Payment Portal...

Payment Portal Capabilities

Hourly Rates and Time Tracking

Track employees’ time spent on a request and charge the appropriate hourly rate for each person.

Materials Charges

Keep a list of all materials used for a request to add to an invoice.

Generate Invoices

Create an invoice and send it to requesters with just a few clicks.

Estimate Costs

Send requesters a notification of their estimated cost so they can decide whether to move forward with a request.

Release Records Upon Payment

The system can be configured to release records to the requester as soon as the payment has been processed so you don’t have to release them manually.

Accept Credit/Debit Payments within JustFOIA

Requesters can easily pay through your preferred payment processor.

Payment Gateway

A payment gateway facilitates the secure transfer of transactions to a third-party payment processor associated with your acquiring bank.

Manually Log Payments

If a requester would prefer to pay by cash or check, you can log that payment manually.

Integration Options

There’s a good chance JustFOIA can already transfer payments to your organization’s current system with very little setup. We can connect to nearly 80% of non-proprietary Merchant Service Providers/Processors such as:

Or you may choose one of our Payment Gateway partners that best fits your needs:


Watch Payment Portal in Action

Payment Portal allow you to:

  • Generate an estimate
  • Send the estimate
  • Calculate time and materials
  • Send an invoice
  • Make a payment

What Our Clients Say...

Learn More

Exactly how much are you spending on public records requests? It can be hard to quantify. In this article, we’ll uncover the hidden costs of public records requests related to personnel, technology, materials, accessibility, and reporting.

The Hidden Costs of Public Records Requests

81% of agencies we surveyed indicated that time and resources to complete records requests have increased in the past year—with not a single respondent saying they had decreased. Read on to explore why, and to read our suggestions for how agencies can cope with the increased complexity of filling public records requests.

6 Reasons for the Increased Complexity of Public Records Requests